Welcome to Manhattan Mediation & Collaborative Law (MMCL). I am an experienced attorney, mediator, and law school professor, and MMCL is a client-based practice. MMCL offers clients the choice to bring disputes to court or to find alternative solutions to filing a lawsuit. We handle family law, and work with businesses and start-up ventures, in addition to handling transactional matters, employee and contract work. Litigation has its place, but can be expensive, time-consuming, and acrimonious. MMCL offers clients options such as mediation, negotiation, uncontested divorce, settlement agreements, and collaborative law. Unlike traditional litigation, the alternatives to a trial return decision making back to the involved parties. When choosing alternatives to traditional litigation, clients also determine the expense, the duration, and the scheduling involved in the resolution of your business or personal conflict. If clients choose to mediate, we will work with parties to find the cause of the conflict, and then work together to negotiate a resolution. Like mediation, collaborative law is also a voluntary, confidential, and party driven process. Another option for divorce is the uncontested divorce where the parties agree on the terms and is a much faster process and less complicated process. MMCL will also conduct negotiations on behalf of clients and prepare agreements to prevent conflict or escalating disputes.
It is my mission, the mission of MMCL, to provide clients with options and choices when they are faced with a business or personal conflict. Our clients have the option to control the outcome of their dispute, and also have control over the privacy, dignity, expense, and amount of time it will take to resolve the conflict.
-Elizabeth Crowe, Esq.